Learn, RootsTech

RootsTech London in Review



RootsTech London was excellent!


The big event for me was presenting to an international crowd outside of America.  It went great!  I was glad to be scheduled on the first day so that I could just enjoy the rest of the conference without thinking endlessly about making sure my presentation didn’t go over 45 minutes.  (Those of you who have attended one of my presentations in the past know that I am a talker!)  I was so proud of myself for only going about 35 seconds over.  Haha!


If you weren’t able to join the party, you can experience some of the RootsTech London magic through the video archive and Virtual Pass.


You can watch the keynote sessions here.  Kadeena Cox was my favorite.  She was refreshingly real, honest, and open.  She is not a polished, regular keynote speaker and it showed, in a fantastic way.  Her story is inspiring.  She worked her way right into my heart.

There are a few class sessions available to view here.

The Premium Virtual Pass is still available for purchase.  You can learn more here.

The Virtual Pass can be purchased both as a stand-alone option for those who did not attend RootsTech London and as an add-on purchase for those who did attend.  The pricing is different for each option.

If the Virtual Pass interests you, it is important to note that the purchase path feels a bit weird, you create a login or use your FamilySearch login and then register as you would if you were attending the conference, then you can view the registration options and pricing for the two types of Virtual Passes.

I attended two of the presentations included in the Virtual Pass.  They were both very good.  My favorite was “Tools for testing genealogical proofs” by, Robert Anderson.  I was very impressed and ordered his book.


The Expo Hall


I always love wandering the Expo Hall and learning new things!  My favorite Expo Hall finds/experiences were:

  • The many things I learned at the Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain booth!  They sent me away with several free pamphlets, old issues of their society journal, some research strategies, a few names of Jewish research experts who live in Utah, and a book that I purchased about Jewish Genealogy in Poland.
  • Spending time with a Trace research expert to learn some techniques for navigating Polish records.  She wrote out my names for me as I would see them in the records I will be working with.  Awesome!
  • The Society of Genealogists booth was excellent.  I bought myself a great book of handwriting examples from 1550-1650.
  • I also bought myself a couple of back issues of the Who Do You Think You Are? magazine.  They looked up a few of my places and there was a magazine of interest for my research and then the other I chose based on the featured articles.


The best part of RootsTech is the people!


I love the energy of RootsTech and the delightful connections that are made.  I was so happy to reconnect with genealogy friends and meet virtual genealogy friends for the first time in person!  Enjoy a few photos from my conference experience (the captions are long, to read them in full click on one caption and a new window will open that allows you to see everything):



Now it’s time to start planning for RootsTech Salt Lake in February!  Will I see you there?



Happy Monday, I wish you a wonderful week filled with genealogy learning, discovery, and sharing!  xoxo




ps – I still need to go through the lovely photos from my nice camera and do some preserving.  On the list for this week!

pps – I totally brought the wrong hair stuff.  I live in the high desert of Utah where the air is dry, dry, dry.  My hair is pretty curly and/or frizzy.  On day one, I was having an awesome hair day.  Right up until I went outside.  My sleek, straightened hair instantly started curling/frizzing out.  I ended up having to throw it in a ponytail — the mixture of a few ringlets and general frizz was not cute!  I didn’t bother straightening it again while I was there.  Next time?  I am definitely bringing curly hair product that is not very effective for me in my dry climate but I’m guessing would work fantastically well for me in London.  Also, water was VERY difficult to come by.  After a day in London, I started ordering a pint of ice water everywhere I could and every server asked essentially the same question, “Did you really mean a pint?”  I wanted to respond with, “No, I really mean a whole pitcher but I’ll take a pint for now, and ask for another when I finish.”  Instead, I just smiled and said yes, please.


14 thoughts on “RootsTech London in Review”

    1. I only got one sightseeing day but we fit in quite a bit. We did the London Eye River Cruise and then rode the London Eye. Walked across Westminster bridge and checked out Westminster Abbey. Then we walked over to Buckingham Palace. It was a fun day. 🙂

  1. Sounds like a great time. Since most of my ancestors were from the U.K. England, Scotland, and Ireland, this would be a great place to research from. I was there (London) for a weekend when I was stationed in Germany, great place. I’ve got stories of my ancestors in London.

        1. Hello Gary! I prefer wordpress to blogger, but that is just preference.

          Your audience will be small for a long time. Don’t worry about that. Make sure you use tags on your post. That helps Google find your work. So create all sorts of tags. Look at the bottom of some of my posts for ideas. Always create place tags, full names of ancestors, etc.

          Ask any other questions you may have. I’m obviously slow to respond, but I get around to it eventually. 😉

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