Site icon the genealogy girl

Photograph Showcase: Cool Grandpa Frank

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Francis Henry Duval, Vancouver, British Columbia, 1940

Oh.  My.

This is one of my absolute favorite photos of my great-grandfather.  It was captured by a street photographer in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1940.

I love it so much!

In fact, it is the very first photo I uploaded on Grandpa Duval’s profile in my Ancestry tree, many years ago.

But once again… I found a negative of this photo and scanned it.  I feel like I just struck gold!

(gold reference as a hat tip to great-grandpa and his parents who mined gold…)

Here is the version I used to have:

And here they are side by side:

I feel like I’m bragging or something, but seriously, I’m just soooooooo delighted by every single negative I scan.  Amazing!!



Happy Thursday, I hope you find yourself an awesome negative very, very soon!  xoxo



ps – I was so delighted when the anesthesiologist offered to knock me out for my cataract surgery and I totally took him up on it!  My eye is healing up nicely and the best news of all – the spot they removed and biopsied (that I hadn’t mentioned before…) turned out to be completely harmless despite its aggressive persistence over the past 7 years.  Phew!  Once I finish healing up, it will be time to decide if/when to do the other eye.  I am currently a one-contact woman.  It’s a little bit weird, but awesome, to be able to see out of one eye without any type of exterior assistance.  And bonus, while I’m still healing, I have a touch of a shimmer in the upper right corner of my vision.  It feels like I have an angel following me everyone I go.  Haha!



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