Learn, RootsTech

French Pronunciation Lessons with Marie Cappart

Marie Cappart & I after the RootsTech Media Dinner


Last year, Marie Cappart helped me get my Jerrain family into France.  It was a wonderful series of experiences that felt so miraculous!  I was delighted to finally meet Marie in person last week and give her a well-deserved hug and thanks for her help.

When we had a quiet minute between interviews in the RootsTech Media Hub last week, I asked her for some French pronunciation help.  You see, I have allllllllllllllll of these newly added family members in my tree and my French pronunciations leave a lot to be desired.  Marie agreed and what ensued was a lot of laughing as I tried to make my mouth do things it was completely unaccustomed to doing.

Well, after we got through several names, Marie suggested I video so that I can remember and practice later.  That one video led to several more videos and they are pretty entertaining.

So, here you go, I hope it gives you a little laugh today.

Lesson One:


Lesson Two:


Lesson Three:


Near the end of lesson three, Lynn Broderick joins us and then we had to stop to take one last group selfie with Laura Hedgecock and Cheri Passey:

back, l-r: Laura Hedgecock, Cheri Passey; front l-r: Lynn Broderick, Marie Cappart, Amberly


Lesson Four:


And that is a wrap on the French Pronunciation lessons until RootsTech London when we see each other again.

As Marie, Lynn, & I left the Expo Hall together, Marie had to stop to take a picture of the “Foonnel Cakes” stand.  I proceeded to say “Fuuuuuunnel, fuuunel, funnel.”  After a few seconds she got it we were laughing all over again! 😂


Thank You, RootsTech, for creating an event so special in nature, that genealogists from all over the world come together and have awesomely fun and educational moments like these!