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Indexing Challenge Conclusion

gg, indexers are cool, green - small

In February I issued a 30 day indexing challenge.  The challenge boiled down to this:  Index.  If you haven’t indexed before, try it.  If you already index, index a little more.  Why?  Because indexers make genealogy more accessible for everyone.

My goal was to index at least one batch for everyday of the challenge.  I am happy to report that I accomplished my goal and a bit more – 38 batches for me.

During the challenge I indexed some new projects, some hard projects, some easy projects.  Most importantly though, I indexed.

If you took my challenge and indexed – THANK YOU!  If you have never indexed, give it a try.  You can help make the important genealogical records of the world searchable online by indexing.

Indexers really are cool.

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