52 Ancestors 2014, ancestor story

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks


Amy over at No Story Too Small issued a challenge for 2014 – 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks.

Her challenge is this:

“The premise: write once a week about a specific ancestor. It could be a story, a biography, a photograph, a research problem — any that focuses on that one ancestor. The next week, write about a different ancestor. In 52 weeks, you’ll have taken a closer look at 52 people in your family tree… and maybe learned a little bit more about them in the process. (Oh, yeah, and hopefully develop a regular writing habit in the process!)”

I love this idea.  I had started writing my column ‘Ancestor Story’ but when I saw her challenge I decided to make it a weekly column and add ’52 Ancestors’ to the title of each post.


Why don’t you join in the fun?


For more details check out Amy’s blog.

5 thoughts on “52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks”

      1. Well you never know who might be looking for information about their ancestors. I usually ‘Google’ family names and places together to see if anything interesting comes up. Like you say it also helps you to get into the swing of writing about your ancestry. So much better than a list of names and dates!

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