descendancy research, Family Tree,, tips

Descendancy Research: Using Puzzilla

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If you are a Family Tree user you should check out

It is a fabulous tool for identifying areas of incomplete research.  Great for choosing an area to do some descendancy research.

This cool website communicates with to generate a seven generation graphic pedigree just like the top image.  All of the dots in the pedigree are clickable.  You choose a dot on the outer rim and click it.  It then generates a descendancy map for that person that looks like the second and third images in this post.  From that graphic, you click another dot and it will take you directly to that person in the tree.

The thing to look for in the graphic is a dot closer to the center without any descendancy.  This is someone who does not currently have children in the tree.  You can click on that dot and then quickly look at their person page in the tree to decide if this is a person you want to research.

The grey boxes by a dot mean that the person was born within the last 110 years.  The yellow boxes by a dot mean that the person died before the age of 16.

If you have a mature tree that has been researched extensively, is a great tool that can help you identify an area in your tree that has not been researched.

Aren’t those descendancy maps pretty?

Try it out today.


3 thoughts on “Descendancy Research: Using Puzzilla”

  1. This is very neat! Most of my family tree is on Ancestry though and only a portion I’ve put into Family Search, so I don’t think this was as complete as it could have been. But I still enjoyed seeing it visually this way. I might import more of my tree into Family Search now!

    1. Hi Melanie! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I’m glad you enjoyed this cool trick. I’m actually thinking about printing a few to frame. I know they don’t have much information in the traditional sense but I think it’s pretty awesome to view their posterity this way and see just how much of a ripple their life caused.

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